video marketing

Video marketing for you business

For anyone new to using video marketing you need to know where to start to make sure you are getting the most out of your video marketing efforts (including your budget) and ensuring that you are delivering content that your audience will value. Understanding your audience is crucial and by identifying your audience early on it…


All the hard work has been done in pre-production and now the actual production commences! (See step by step guide to pre-production blog) What’s your video strategy? You will have decided some key factors in the pre-production stage and will know what your ultimate goal is with your video/s. You will also have confirmed your…

Pre-Production…A step by step guide

New to using video as part of your marketing campaign? Video can be a costly endeavour if you don’t get it right…accurately measuring your return on investment is a crucial part of any marketing campaign, without it there is no real way of understanding what impact your marketing has had on your organisations bottom line.…

Martin House

Martin House hospice care for children and young people Every client has different requirements for video. Depending on their organisation this could be a promo video, a product demo, animation, corporate video…the list goes on and on!! Being familiar with an organisation and having an understanding of what they do instantly informs us of the…